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Bonus Review #4
Film: Pride and Prejudice [PG] 126 minutes
WIP: $12.50
When 1st Seen: 24 January 2006
Where Viewed: Landmark Metro Cinemas, Seattle, WA
Time: 3:40 p.m.
Review Dedicated to: A.N. of Chicago, IL
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I am now fully converted. What could be better than an afternoon with Jane Austen? I have to admit that I have not read Pride and Prejudice, but that is because I have a hard and fast rule that I don’t read books until after I see the movies. Yep, I’m light years behind the rest of the world when it comes to knowing what happens to Harry Potter. This personal rule began when I saw the film Silence of the Lambs when it first came out. I had read the novel a few summers prior to the movie being filmed at the recommendation of my mother who was a voracious reader of pulp fiction at the time. I devoured the novel. The movie held quite true to the book, and basically, having previously read the book, ruined the movie for me. Truth be told, I do love to read; but, I hold the suspense of seeing a movie’s plot unfold untarnished and for the first time on screen more dear. Moreover, the number of people I’ve known over the years who have been so disappointed when a movie did not live up to their expectations created by their imagination in response to the book is TMTC (too many too count). Yet, in my entire life, I’ve never heard the opposite from a person that saw a movie first and then read the book upon which the movie was based. So, now, perhaps, when I have some spare time, I may read Pride and Prejudice, if the book is anything close to the movie, I would say it would be well-worth the read.
This film reminded me of that delicious dish of Turkish Delight the White Which conjures up from the snow for Edmund in the Chronicles of Narnia: L, W, & the W.--an elegant treasure chest concealing delectable bites of the crispy, many-layered treats.
From Keira Knightley’s charming portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet which melts and bewitches the icy heart of Matthew Macfadyen’s Mr. Darcy to Dame Judi Dench’s nearly wicked turn as Lady Lady Catherine de Bourg and the ubiquitous Donald Sutherland’s tender performance of the doey-eyed patriarch of the Bennet family, there are so many layers to this film to relish. Set in the splendor of opulent, aristocratic homes and the stunning English countryside utilizing all of the proper behaviors and perfectly lovely etiquette of the times, director Joe Wright has captured a beautiful love story. This was the concept that Cinderella tried but never quite managed to be. To be honest, I don’t usually fall head over heels for these sorts of period films as they can be stuffy and slow-moving, but the story here drew me in and never let go. For me, it is terribly important, both historically, and otherwise for young women to see the strength of female characters in films and literature. Therefore, I personally revel when Jane Austen empowers the women in her works in times when it seems that women were relegated to the state of being treated much like living works of art as opposed to true life partners in matrimony. Likewise, I find it incredibly important for producers and directors to take on risky movies that may not appeal to wider audience but which provide actresses like Ms. Knightley, who proves herself to be one of the most talented and versatile actors working today holding her own among some of the very best actors of her generation and heir apparent to the likes of Meryl Streep and Tilda Swinton, places to showcase their considerable talents. I look forward to a long and flourishing career for her ahead. Meanwhile, some sources report that Emma Thompson, critically acclaimed and award-winning British actress revised the screenplay (uncredited). From Ms Austen to Ms Thompson to Ms Knightley, I would say that is a pretty good chain of succession.
If you have waited, as I did, to see Pride and Prejudice for fear that it might be too long and too pastoral, fear not. This film is delightful from the beginning to the end.
Now Available for Purchase on DVD
Pride & Prejudice (Widescreen Version) [DVD] (2005) DVD
Pride & Prejudice [VHS] (2005) VHS
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