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Review #303 of 365
Film: Volver (2006) [R] 121 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $13.75
Language: Spanish
Where Viewed: Starz FilmCenter at the Tivoli, Denver, CO
Starz Denver Film Festival showing
When 1st Seen: 10 November 2006
Time: 9:45 p.m.
Film's Official Website
DVD Release Date: unscheduled
Review Dedicated to: L.G. (a great mentor and film student)
Directed by: Pedro Almodóvar (Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios)
Written by: Pedro Almodóvar (Mala educación, La)
Featured Cast (Where You Might Remember Him/Her From):
Penélope Cruz (Bandidas) • Carmen Maura (Free Zone) • Lola Dueñas (20 centímetros) • Blanca Portillo (Sólo mía) • Yohana Cobo (Only Human) • Chus Lampreave (Di que sí) • Antonio de la Torre (En el hoyo)
Soundtrack: order the CD below
Click for 'Review Lite' [a 150-word or less review of this film]
Legendary Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar mined his childhood memories and the region of Spain where he grew up to guide the writing of the screenplay for his latest 'women coping with the world' film, Volver—used in the sense of meaning 'coming back' as opposed to 'returning'. His leading lady this time around is the stunning and immeasurably talented Penélope Cruz one of the leading actresses today who acts with the whole of her body and soul not just her face. Filmed in the region of Spain known as La Mancha, Mr. Almodóvar presents a look at three landscapes: the bustling mid-sized city, the countryside with its modern, three-blade windmills, and the rural village. The contrasts between these three are more than surface, they envelope also three mindsets as well as three sets of customs.
"…a true hit and a coming home for Pedro Almodóvar "
The story which entangles three generations of mal-treated women who must each cope with their fates begins in a cemetery where the women scrub and care for their gravesites—a custom of the region where people acquire and tend the grounds of their final resting place for their entire lives. Teenager Paula (Yohana Cobo) finds the practice odd, but her mother, Raimunda (Penélope Cruz), auntie Sole (Lola Dueñas), and friend Augustina (Blanca Portillo) explain it’s just what is done in the area. Raimunda and Sole then take Paula to see her namesake auntie, Tía Paula (Chus Lampreave) who still lives in the village. They learn from Augustina that the villagers see the ghost of Raimunda's dead mother popping up now again seemingly to take care of Tía Paula. The visit to see Tía Paula causes Raimunda great concern for her Aunt's well-being, though she seems to have plenty of food and good spirits. Augustina vows to look in on her as often as she can for she has come to adore the woman after her own mother disappeared coincidentally the same day as Raimunda and Sole's parents were killed in a small fire in a hut. After thanking Tía Paula for her hospitality, the trio returns home to the city. That evening turns eerie as Paula has a lurid and creep encounter with her father, Paco (Antonio de la Torre)--he eyes her in ways that fathers should not look at daughters while explaining to Raimunda, in a near drunken stupor, how he lost his job earlier that day. A few days later, while Raimunda is working to make ends meet after the loss of Paco's income, she finds Paula waiting outside in the pouring rain for her. When they get home, Raimunda is confronted with the stabbed dead body of Paco and a daughter in shock from the trauma of having killed her father for attempting to force himself on her amidst claims that he was not her real father—which turns out to be true but doesn't excuse his advances. Shortly after conceiving a plan to hide the body and bury it, Sole and Raimunda learn that Tía Paula has died. Unfortunately, Raimunda is unable to go to the wake and burial, which opens the door for the ghost of their mother, Iren (Carmen Maura) to appear to Sole first in the house and then in the trunk of her car. To give away any more of the story which induces as much laughter as tear would be a tragedy, so, let's leave it at that.
Sr. Almodóvar is well known for films featuring strong casts of women who face all sorts of adversity and must learn to deal with and overcome the things that happen in their lives. Volver is no different. This film is layered with traditions and generational differences accompanied by long-term familial remorse and betrayal. The actresses are phenomenal at bringing the shades of their characters' pasts and presents to the surface for inspection and reflection. Accordingly, Ms Cruz delivers a knock out performance with a blend of pouty strength drawn from her physical training as a dancer and her gifts as an emotionally centered actress. With a wonderful twist that sort of turns the Sixth Sense concept upside down, Volver is both a true hit and a coming home for Pedro Almodóvar.
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Other Projects Featuring Volver (2006)
Cast Members
Penélope Cruz
• Carmen Maura
• Lola Dueñas
Blanca Portillo
• Yohana Cobo
• Chus Lampreave
Writer / Director
Pedro Almodóvar
CD Soundtrack
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Volver (2006) Review-lite [150-word cap]
Legendary Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar mined his memories and the region of Spain where he grew up to guide the screenplay for his latest 'women coping with the world' film, Volver. His leading lady this time is the immeasurably talented Penélope Cruz--one of today's leading actresses who acts using the whole of her body and soul not just her face. Filmed in La Mancha, Almodóvar presents a look at three landscapes: the bustling mid-sized city, the countryside with its modern, three-blade windmills, and the rural village via a story which entangles three generations of mal-treated women who must each cope with their complicated fates. Ms Cruz delivers a knock out performance with a blend of pouty strength and raw physicality. With a wonderful twist that turns the Sixth Sense concept upside down, Volver is both a true hit and a coming home for Pedro Almodóvar.
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