106 Degrees - Instructions

movieEVERYday.com presents...

The movie actor degrees of separation game.

Can you connect two actors with 1 clue in 6 steps?

Each game presents a chain of six steps leading from one actor to another as they are connected by co-actors in movies. The solution to the puzzle lies in figuring out the missing links in the chain. You have been given 1 of 6 links in the chain to help you.

Some suggested rules you can choose to ignore:
(a) You shouldn't use films that haven't been released yet or 'straight to DVD' films to connect people.
(b) Films where people play themeselves, too, are off limits as connectors.
(c) Try to avoid using bit roles in bit films too. That's too obscure and not that fun. Wouldn't you rather have a longer chain with more big names and big movies than a chain of two steps where you've never heard of the connecting actor or film?

Here is an example:
Connect Helen Hunt to Harrison Ford in just six links and with only 1 clue.

The chain looks like this at the start:
__(Helen Hunt)_ ...>
___________ __(________)__ ...>
____Seven___ ___(Brad Pitt)__ ...>
___________ __(________)__ ...>
___________ __(________)__ ...>
___________ __(________)__ ...>
___________ _(_Harrison Ford_)_

Start by thinking about what movies Helen Hunt was in.

When you think of a movie, write it on the first blank. Then think of who was in that movie with her. Write their names on the second blank. We are talking big names no one too obscure.

We are trying to get from Helen Hunt to Brad Pitt first. So, let’s see. Hmm, Helen Hunt was in Pay it Forward with Kevin Spacey. Ah, yes, there it is, and Kevin Spacey was in Seven with Brad Pitt. So,that’s the first missing link.

Now you must work to complete the chain the rest of the way. If you get stuck, the solutions we be published the days after the puzzles. Clicking the solution button before that time will yield a 'page not found' error.

Note: solutions will be not activated until sometime the day after the puzzle is published.
Here is the complete solution to this example puzzle:
(Helen Hunt)_ ...>
__Pay It Forward_ __(Kevin Spacey)__ ...>
____Seven______ ___(Brad Pitt)_____ ...>
__Fight Club_____ __(Edward Norton)__ ...>
_Red Dragon____ ___(Ralph Fiennes)__ ...>
_Schindler’s List__ ___(Liam Neeson)___ ...>
K-19: The Widdowmaker (Harrison Ford)

Read the solution like this:
Helen Hunt was in Pay it Forward with Kevin Spacey who was in Seven with Brad Pitt who was in Fight Club with Edward Norton who was in Red Dragon with Ralph Fiennes who was in Schindler’s List with Liam Neeson who was in K-19: The Widdowmaker with Harrison Ford.
To play today’s real game, click here to jump to the home page and at the top, under the header, find the 106° link.

What's the Deal with Special or Super Puzzles?
Sometimes, as these are very popular, special puzzles will be created that involve the specific cast members from a particular show or era. These will very often have many more than 6 links in the chain. Have fun with these. Don't complain they are longer or harder!

Why aren't there always clues?
Sometimes there won't be any clues. Sometimes there will be a few or many even. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

I have come up with a cool 1o6° puzzle, what should I do?
Um, hmm. Not sure? Solve it?

No, I mean how can I share it with others?
Oh, that makes more sense. Of course, well, here's what you should do if you want to share it. You should post the chain with the title and your screen name and email address as in The XYZ Puzzle by 106Fan of 106fan@gmail.com : X was in Y with Z who was in A with B who was in C with D who was in ... so on until the end to any 1o6° puzzle, At the bottom of each there is a place to add posts. These are moderated posts so no one will see them but me. If I really like your puzzle, I'll do it up as a bonus puzzle one day. I will not publish your post or your email address. Your email address will only be used if I decide to do up your puzzle with movie posters and all that jazz. I'll email you to let you know the link. Then I'll delete your email address so your privacy will be protected. Be careful. DO NOT SUBMIT THE WORK OF OTHERS AS YOUR OWN. THAT WOULD BE ILLEGAL AND CONSTITUTE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Don't even bother to post puzzles that would violate the good senibilities of movieEVERYday.com. Not sure what these are, well, check out the site.

I found a cool shorter link than yours! What should I do?
Um, you should take a bow and then read the commentary below.

Some readers and fans have pointed out that there are often much shorter links between the two people. For example one reader pointed out:
Helen Hunt was in Next of Kin with Liam Nieeson who was in K-19 with Harrison Ford which is true. When one uses very obscure films and very small roles, one can often find shorter routes. Nobody ever said you couldn't try to find a shorter route. Hey, if you do, how about this...give yourself 15 bonus points! The point of these puzzles is to be fun, not to make people upset or drive them nuts. I like to write them and use a chain that seems fun for me. If you find shorter chains more fun, and more films pop to the top of your head, then that's awesome. There are even computer programs that will solve the puzzles for you, just like there are computer programs to solve all the Soduko puzzles. What's the fun of having a computer solve the puzzle for you? Enough said, I think on this topic! Trust me, at movieEVERYday.com we are working on ways to make these puzzles even harder and more fun and not as easy to complete in two steps using a computer program!

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