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Spoiler Points for The Brave One (2007) [R] 119 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $13.00
Film's Official Website • Film's Trailer
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The Ending:Erica Bain (Jodie Foster) bribes a pawnshop owner for the name and address of the girlfriend of the guy who was the ring leader of the trio that killed her fiancée, David (Naveen Andrews) and beat her to within an inch of her life. With the address in hand, she finds the girlfriend home and asks her please for the address of her boyfriend. She shows her the ring to ensure that the girlfriend knows who she is. The girlfriend offers no help because she says she's seen what they did to Erica, and she doesn't want that to happen to her. Frustrated and ready to give up, suddenly Erica receives a text message from the girlfriend with the address, "I'm sorry", and the video of the beating her boyfriend digitized and emailed to all his friends (yeah, he was a charmer). So, she text messages Detective Mercer (Terrence Howard), with whom she's developed a friendship of sorts—especially after she 'offed' his most wanted criminal for him, with the message "Goodbye". He figures out she's found her assailants, and he gets the address of the ring leader from his police records—they had caught him, but Erica pretended she didn't recognize him in the line up because she wanted to do this herself. So, she arrives at his apartment building and discovers him and his posse in the alley behind. Without special training, she still manages to sneak up on them and kill one right away. She then proceeds to track down and kill a second one. The third, however, overpowers her, and is attempting to strangle her with a pipe just when the chivalrous Detective arrives. He makes the guy settle onto the ground allowing Erica to grab back her 9mm semi-automatic. She points it at his head. Will she or won't she pull the trigger in front of the Detective. Most of her doesn't seem to care. She knows he knows she's the vigilante. She's practically given him all the clues he could need. But, this, this would something she could not later say was self-defense. Then, out of the blue, Detective Mercer hands her his gun to use to shoot the assailant. She takes it and fires. He's gone in an instant. Now they have a problem. She's just used Mercer's gun to complete the job. Well, he's a step ahead of her this time. His plan is now to plant her gun on the guy, have her shoot him in the arm, so that he can say he shot the men when he ascertained they were the working together as the vigilante killers. So, she shoots him in the arm, and then she flees the scene. He calls in the crimes and asks for back ups. She runs through the city back to the spot in the park where David was killed, just as the German Shepard dog they used to own and sort of started this whole mess by going down the tunnel after his ball in the first place, catches up to her.
The boyfriend gets killed in Central Park, right? How is it that her dog can catch a subway (from whatever projects the thugs were living in) and then find her in the tunnel in Manhattan???
Well Anon,
I wondered about that myself. Unfortunately, the only explanations I could offer would involve Star Trek Technologies that won't be available for another couple 100 years. Therefore, well, I decided that this would go in to my column for W.I.P.™ Scale deductions that sometimes I silently deduct. Actually, there are other time continuity problems with this film as well: it's equally problematic that Detective Mercer is able to get to the thugs' complex so quickly after her Erica's text message as well. At least, he used a car, which the dog could not have. (or could he?)
I love this movie-
But I walked out on the part where Erica receives that text message...
Which annoys me because I couldnt see the ending.
Thanks for having this site-so I could find out the ending!!
I walked out of the movie at the moment when the Dec. said "There is only one person left to shoot" and until this point have been wondering if she shot herself! More thanks to you for putting my thoughts to rest!
I really enjoyed Erica's poetic radio monologue.
Terrence Howard acting is solid.
I just wish they could've been romantically involved.
Foster plays one serious vigilante.
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