Spoiler Points for Good Luck Chuck (2007)

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Spoiler Points for Good Luck Chuck (2007) [R] 96 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $13.50
Film's Official WebsiteFilm's Trailer
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Ending Spoiler:
After scaring her off with an over-abundance of possessiveness while trying not to lose Cam (Jessica Alba), Charlie (Dane Cook) finally does the good deed and sets Cam up with the object of her penguin affection, Dr. Howard (Steve Bacic). He gets the idea from Anisha (Michelle Harrison), the grown-up version of the girl who hexed him in the first place. She denies really recalling the event, but suggests that to truly love one must be willing to let the other person go. [Near the end of the film she is shown removing a voodoo doll she's kept of him her entire life from its box and pulling the pin out of his heart. So, clearly, she knew only too well what she was up to.] With this he has a sense of weight being lifted, but he also experiences some major setbacks emotionally. He really believes she is the one for him. Finally, when Stu (Dan Fogler) and his new fiancée, Pleasure (Yasmine Vox) Lara (Annie Wood), practically break into his house to encourage him to go after the woman he loves before she goes to Antarctica with Howard for a month. He rushes to the airport and buys two first class tickets (one for each of two flights with connections to Antarctica) so that he can get on the plane and tell her how he really feels. Two planes later, he finds her and tries to convince her that Howard is not right for her, when she introduces him to Howard's wife. He heart goes pitter pat, and he hands her over a little red box. If you paid attention to the story, you already know what's in the box. It's not a ring. He turns and heads off the plane. She opens the box and see the most perfectly beautiful little round pebble. He follows the story she has told him early on in their relationship that penguins made for life. The male spends days searching for the perfect pebble, and then presents it at the feet of the female he most favors. If she loves the pebble, she'll accept him as her mate. Before Charlie gets off the plane, Cam yells "yes". He comes back and just before they're about to kiss, a woman leaps up saying, "Aren't you that guy…", but before she can finish, Cam shoves her down and says, "Not anymore".


Anonymous said...

Dan Fogler's fiance, Lara, is played by the lovely and talented
Annie Wood.

Scooter Thompson said...

Hi Anon,
You are quite correct. Please forgive the error.