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Spoiler Points for Halloween (2007) [R] 109 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $3.25
Click to read the non-spoiler review for Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007)
What Happens?After Michael escapes, he returns to Haddonfield, IL to, as Dr. Loomis (Malcolm McDowell) correctly ascertains, find his long-lost baby sister, Laurie. He accomplishes this by 'sneaking'—as if a 7' tall, hairy, mangy mongrel wearing a mask can 'sneak' anywhere—around Haddonfield by following a teenage girl he has his sights set on. He 'sneaks' around town from home to home, always at the right place at the right time, to stalk Laurie and to kill everyone that gets in his way. Eventually, he catches her and traps her in their old house. He seems intent just to keep her there until she stabs him in the shoulder—which, by the way, has almost no effect on him—and escapes the house where she then falls into the swimming pool. See the 7th item in the Things that Make No Sense section for the finale.
Things That Make No Sense
Did they ever find the kid he killed in the forest and attribute the murder to Michael? If not, why not?
When he kills the nurse in the mental prison, why isn't that a sign to someone, especially his doctor, that this kids needs to be seriously medicated and locked up somewhere for good?
Who exactly gets the bright idea to move Michael Meyers the night before the anniversary of his first murderous rampage? How does he break out of all of his restraints? Is he super human? When the female officer sees him escape and kill her fellow guards, why doesn't she lock the place down? He looks like he's trapped between chambers designed just for this sort of eventuality, but she just freezes and waits for him to break through and kill her. She doesn't have the shot gun ready to blow his brains out, she just stands there like a deer in headlights waiting to be killed.
How exactly does Michael Meyers creep around Haddonfield unnoticed? He has escaped, he was a mass murderer, and yet the town's Sheriff hasn't put the town on alert?
Somehow, not having seen Laurie since she was 1 year old, having no clue where she lives or what her name might be or what she looks like, MM finds her. He doesn't have to break in and find adoption records or anything. He's like a homing pigeon.
How does MM get into homes without being heard? He seems to show no need for dainty respect when he's murdering people, yet he sneaks in to home after home killing people as he goes along.
Are there only two cop cars in all of Haddonfield? After the Sheriff and Dr. Loomis finally arrive at the location where MM has found his prey and sister then what? The Sheriff looms over his daughter's body as Dr. Loomis is left to chase after the killer alone—good thing he had the foresight to by that gun, huh? Where does the Sheriff go next? What does he do? Why doesn't he go to help Loomis? Where's the back up they called? This whole thing makes no sense.
So, Dr. Loomis is directed by the little kids as to where to go, and he correctly guesses that he should go to the Strode's old home. When he arrives, we see Laurie has just escaped and stupidly fallen into the empty swimming pool—not sure how this family afforded a fancy poured concrete swimming pool, but anyway, she's not able to get out of it though MM just walks down some stairs?
As he approaches her, Loomis orders him to stop. He fails to listen and proceeds even with a gun pointed at him. Loomis has no choice but to shoot away, three times, in the back. Michael falls, seemingly dead—most people would be. Loomis rescues Laurie. Of course, anybody who thought that was the end of it, hasn't seen a recent slasher horror movie. Of course, they are back in the police car that it seems Loomis drove to the house. It seems as though it never occurred to him to radio on the drive over for help. Once in the car, of course, MM somehow breaks the side window as if just opening the obviously unlocked doors would have been too much trouble. Side windows are very hard to break in the way he breaks the window, but he's MM, the stealthy super strong, bullet in the back resisting MM. He pulls Laurie out, and while Dr. Loomis comes after him, he's too slow, and MM breaks his neck. Laurie, apparently choosing to re-enter the house from which she had a terrible time escaping the first time rather than face falling down into the empty swimming pool, tears back into the house and into the same chamber that imprisoned her only minutes before. Does anyone else seriously wonder about this girl's logic? Well, it only gets worse. MM drags Loomis's body into the house. He 'smartly' realizes that neighbors who've not heard the shooting or the screaming and called the police or come to help, might notice the body out front next to the cop car. Laurie hides in a crawlspace, but stupidly leaves behind her jacket that MM finds. He listens carefully for her, and she's got no will to live at all as evidenced by her utter inability to just keep quiet for 30 seconds. Even with both hands over her mouth, she's detected, but not before she sneaks a bit and snatches up Loomis's gun. It's a pointless act though, because she's got no sense to try and use it on him. Instead she gets into the attic and moves along slowly as he punches holes in the ceiling trying to get her to fall down. Eventually, she does. She gets up and barrels through eventually causing them both to fall straight off the balcony. She lands atop his masked body. Something about his eyes look different, though, as she sits up and pops him in the head three times with empty chambers until she finally hits a live round. Is it over? Looks an awful lot like somehow, he put the mask on the Doctor's head, and fled the scene.
Where are all the other people in this town? The streets are lined with houses up and down, but no one seems to be home on Halloween. They must all be 20 miles away getting loaded on Halloween punch, because no one comes out to see what all the commotion is about. This just didn't make any sense. Had it been a rural area with farm houses even just a mile apart, it might have, but no one hear the screaming, the gun shots, the little kids running around in terror?
Why did the MPAA give this film an [R]-rating? No film I've ever seen as been more worthy of an [NC-17] in the category of violence. There is no way that children under 17 need to see this film, and it's hard to imagine what parents or guardians in the nation would want their under-17 aged children to see this film. The MPAA needs to step up to the plate and call a film like it is.
If you think of other things that make no sense, or you have some hypotheses for these questions, feel free to post your comments below in this moderated forum.
Actually, Dr. Loomis mentions the "event in the wood" as he calls it to Michael during their first interview when Michael doesn't recall the murders. Here is one, why does he go back to Haddonfield? It isn't clear just what he wants with Laurie or why he now wants to kill her after she stabs him (what did he expect when he killed all of her friends). Or, why didn't he just kidnap her and leave everyone else alone?
How does the doctor die if he is in later halloween movies?
Apparently, he won't be in 'new' Halloween movies, that is if they make any more.
This movie bombed in every way possible. The new soundtrack was horrible. Every character had no character, so there was absolutely no emotion felt for ANYONE. The only character you felt bad for was MM. I could of cared less who MM killed because they had no personality. It was really annoying and I don't know if I am the only person that noticed it, but every stupid character outside of MM's childhood, has a giggle problem. I couldn't wait for MM to terminate them. I thought MM was supposed to be the bad guy? He used to be guy you'd wish dead but he never would die, he kept coming back from the pits of hell to deliver you to satan himself. In this joke of a movie (too bad I didn't laugh) I found myself in the MM cheering section. Which brings me to MM, he grew up to be a pretty big guy. During the movie when he was clearly in high school he was 5'4"ish then 15 years later, he was miraculously 7-foot and had "king kong" strength - HOW? Was growth hormones and deca durabolin part of his daily medication? Was MM a power lifter - haha. Because I'm quite positive you're not going to get as strong as he is making masks. Which the making masks scene could have been cool, but it was trashed out. Another thing, I thought in the movie, MM was convicted as an adult. If so why the hell didn't he get put on death row? I thought it would have been cool to actually get into a lot more detail on how MM escapes. Apparently there is only 2 guards on duty where he's at. Not very secure for a freakin maniac. OMG. I'm not done yet, the cinematography was pathetic, every time MM kills someone the camera operator is having a seizure. Then I couldn't believe how much bad language, nudity and my god - what the hell was the point of the graphic rape scene... it was totally pointless and made me feel trashy for just watching it. Which is actually how I felt after watching this movie, trashy - and that's what this movie is, an ultra-trashy pile of poo. I hope to god I'm not the only fan out there that feels this. I could rant on and on and on - you know what, I probably will, to my friends. Why the hell do I care so much??? Because I grew up watching these movies. MM used to scare the $&#@ out of me, I was hoping to be scared once again. Instead Zombie made MM out to be a caveman from the Geico commercials, and even then that would have been better, because I would have at least laughed. Instead I had no emotion, I wasn't excited, I wasn't scared, I was truly turned into a "Zombie".
Just seen the film on a copy dvd and my version is COMPLETELY different! Its all the alternate scenes so I'm going to say what happens
-Loomis doesnt die in the end
-Annie Brackett doesnt die
-The police shoot michael about 200 times outside the house after he hands over Laurie who was hostage to Loomis.
-Michael escaped the hospital after killing 2 rapists/janitors and taking their keys (after a horrific rape scene which should've been banned. It might have been actually? Was that in the normal version? ) He didnt escape by breaking the restraints etc.
-There was no going back into the house scene at the end
-Loomis wasnt attacked by Michael in anyway!
Can someone please run through the last half hour of the film briefly for me.
Thanks Brooke
I too have just seen this alternate version of the movie, i'm glad to see that there is actually and alternate version, and that i didn't just forget half of it. And I don't think M. Garnett should complain about how some of the things in this movie didn't make sense, there was parts in the originals where things didn't make sense either, for example, Garnett complains about Michael's strength, well in one of the original ones he impales someone with a shotgun, i personally dont know anyone who can do that in reality....
Also, who goes into a movie made by Rob Zombie, and doesn't expect to find swears and nudity?
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