Spoiler Points for Enchanted (2007)

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Spoiler Points for Enchanted (2007) [PG] 107 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $12.25
Film's Official WebsiteFilm's Trailer
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The Happy Ending:
• Queen Narissa (Susan Sarandon) finally convinces, at the King's Night Ball, Giselle to take a bite of the final poisonous apple. She immediately falls asleep—her death approaches at the midnight hour just now minutes away. Prince Edward (James Marsden) practically suffocates her with kisses trying to revive her to no avail.
• Can it be? Oh my, Robert Philip (Patrick Dempsey) might be her real prince. So, he kisses her and she awakes immediately causing further panic in the eyes of his supposed fiancĂ©e, Nancy Tremaine (Idina Menzel).
• Frustrated by this turn of events, Narissa turns into a huge dragon threatening to destroy everyone. But Giselle demonstrates her true Princess-worthy nature and slays the dragon who falls to her death on the street below like King Kong stranding Giselle and Robert on the rooftop to realize they are in love.
• So, who else for Prince Edward to fall for now, but Nancy. Of course. And she's all too eager to return to the cartoon land of Andalusia, while Robert and Giselle marry and start a special design company turning out princess clothing for girls.

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