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Spoiler Points for P2 (2007) [R] 98 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $7.25
Film's Official Website • Film's Trailer
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The Ending:
Angela Bridges (Rachel Nichols) breaks her way into the parking garage car rental office. She tries to call NYC 911, but gets put on hold. She hides out with a can of spray chemicals and eventually sprays Thomas (Wes Bentley) in the face. She escapes with the keys to a compact car. Despite a gigantic head start, just as she's about to charge through the gate, Thomas broadsides her with his muscle car. The two race around the garage eventually engaging in a game of chicken that results in her flipping and rolling the car. She seems dead with her head banged against the incessantly blaring car horn. Thomas approaches cautiously, but when he opens the door she stabs him, handcuffs him to the door, and escapes. When he calls her foul names, she uses his Taser® to ignite the leaking gas from the car engulfing him in a fire ball and explosion. She uses his stolen keys to open the exit gate and then walks slowly up the street.
The Problems:
• Fire Exit Doors? Why didn't Angela just use one to exit the building? Maybe Thomas chained them all shut. Maybe this building was built before fire exit doors and even fire alarms were required in buildings because she uses neither.
• Angela Stabs Thomas with a Fork? Couldn't he see this coming? When she stabs him with the fork, why does she stab him in the shoulder rather than the neck or eye or somewhere that actually would have given her a better chance for escape? Why not break a glass and use that?
• Playing Along? Why doesn't she 'play along' with him until a better opportunity to escape arises? If you want to live, why not humor the psychopath a bit more?
• Hiding? Why doesn't she just hide?
• Locking Office? Why doesn't she lock herself in the office with the dog? She could feed him some turkey and make friends, then use the phone? No, instead she fights with him for her purse, gets her cell phone and flees with it hoping to find a place with a signal?
• Cars? How does Thomas get to his car to broadside her so quickly? She's had a huge head start, he's just had chemicals sprayed in his face. Yet, somehow, he arrives at the exit ramp at almost exactly the same time as she does?
• The Rental Car Office? When she's in the rental car office in the first place, why doesn't she lock herself in or barricade the door or anything? When she cannot get 911, why doesn't she dial the operator or her family or anyone else? When she sprays him in the face, why doesn't she knock him in the head with the very tool she uses to seal him in? And how does that flimsy office chair which bounces off the glass the first time he tries to use it to break out of the office, then break the window on try number two or three?
• The Call to Her Family? When Thomas lets her call home to let them know she won't be arriving? Why doesn't she try anything, use any code words something that would have let them know she's in trouble? Why does she say she's home sick? Why doesn't she say she was on her way out of the building when she started having an allergic reaction to strawberries from the party or something her family would know was a lie and she was in danger? Doesn't every family have a code word they use to signal each other when one of them has been kidnapped? Well, if not, now there's a good reason to get one. This kind of thing could happen to anyone really.
• The 911 Calls? She used her cell phone to call the first time. (A) Why did the police say they came because there were calls indicating a disturbance in the building? Did her cell phone 911 call not go through and it was neighbors that called the police? How did they not see her cell phone lying there on the ground? (B) Um, if someone calls and there's no response after the agent comes on, standard procedure is to send help period.
• The Long Walk Home? When she's finally free and out of the building because it never occurred to her to pull a fire alarm or to mess with the fire sprinklers or use a fire exit, why does she just walk up the street? Instead, why doesn't she phone her family from the office or call the police or anything? Why does she walk, cold, wet, and barefoot, up the street alone into the dark and snowy night?
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