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Spoiler Points for Wanted (2008) [R] 110 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $14.00
DVD Release Date: 25 November 2008 (click date to purchase or pre-order)
Film's Official Website • Film's Trailer
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Spoiler Points for Wanted (2008)
• Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) is close to the doldrums of life. He's king of his own cubicle, and that's about the extent of his power—insofar as his cubicle is in an office managed by the Ice Queen aka Janice (Lorna Scott). His home life is ruled by Cathy (Kristen Hager) who is spending her days being satisfied by Wesley's 'best' friend Barry (Chris Pratt)—also his co-worker. Life couldn't possibly be worse for poor Wesley.
• That is until he's filling his prescription for anxiety attacks one evening and finds himself in the middle of a gun battle between someone he will learn is known as Fox (Angelina Jolie) and someone he will learn to know as Cross (Thomas Kretschmann).
• During the gun battle with all sorts of crazy guns and car chases, Wesley is rescued and put back in harm's way too many times to count.
• Earlier, a rooftop gun battle leaves a super assassin dead on a rooftop.
• Welsey finds himself awakening in an unknown location, and that he's got a better life in store, should he decided to take it.
• The man murdered rooftop was Mr. X (David O'Hara) one of the greatest living assassins of his day and also Wesley's father, or so Sloan (Morgan Freeman), head of the Assassin's guild called The Fraternity. These special assassins have been protecting the balance and order in the world for over 1000 years.
• Wesley need only one more day in his 'regular' life before he returns to take his place among them, fill his dead father's shoes, and discover within himself real action hero qualities.
• Fox is put in charge of his training which doesn't go well. Wesley's in neither the best physical nor mental condition to accept this training. Eventually, however, he gets on board when he realizes this is way out of his own life and to fulfill his destiny. Plus, there's the factor of avenging his father's death.
• His father's killer, is a man named Cross (Thomas Kretschmann), and he devises a plan to catch him. But, then he learns the secret of the Fraternity.
• Turns out the Fraternity is run, not by Sloan at all, but by a strange loom that weaves fabric with errors that can be decoded to reveal who the assassins are supposed to target next. Wesley will have to serve on a few early missions under Fox's guidance before he's let loose on the big target.
• Wesley learns that Fox was drawn into the Fraternity to avenge the death of her own father, a federal judge, who was killed by a psycho who didn't like his politics right in front of his entire family.
• After narrowly being shot by Cross, Wesley uncovers the bullet that he endured in the shoulder, is made by Pekwarsky (Terence Stamp) whom, it seems, makes all of The Cross's special bullets.
• He is finally given the mission to assassinate Cross by Sloan who decodes the loom messages. Before he goes, Sloan gives Fox and order from the loom as well, her target is Wesley.
• After a spectacular train wreck, Wesley shoots Cross but learns in the process that Sloan has been lying to him all along. Mr. X was not his father, Cross his, and he was set up to kill Cross because he's the only one member of the Fraternity Cross wouldn't kill. After the disillusionment settles, Wesley, with the help of Pekwarsky, learns that Cross went rogue when he figured out that Sloan has been ignoring the loom for decades and making his own orders. Turns out the loom keeps cranking out the names of all of the Assassins including Sloan himself. He conceives of a plan to send in mice loaded with plastic explosives to blow up the Fraternity factory hide out and textile mill, and kill all of the real rogue assassins. He ends up killing them all with one shot but Sloan gets away. He kills him later one day when Sloan comes to kill him figuring he'll be back to work in his cubicle. Wesley uses the same gun his father used to kill Mr. X.
• The story leaves vague what's next for Wesley, but the good guy has prevailed in the end.
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