Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Alan Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine (film review)
comment: Ok, Alan Arkin may be deserving some sentimental points; but, seriously, how do you nominate his performance over that of his co-stars Steve Carell or Paul Dano? Just plain confusing.
Jackie Earle Haley in Little Children (film review)
comment: I sort of comprehend this nomination. This was an incredible role in an incredible, controversial, and queasy-stomach inducing film that wasn't going to get, I guess, many other nominations.
Djimon Hounsou in Blood Diamond (film review)
comment: Someone needs to define supporting versus lead role. Blood Diamond is at most three leading roles and as little two. How is his role not leading? He's deserving, no doubt of the nomination, but a supporting nomination is, sorry, a slap in the face.
Eddie Murphy in Dreamgirls (film review)
comment: To be sure, this was a great comeback role for Eddie Murphy. My concern is how do you convince yourself to nominate him and not the equally powerful performance by Jamie Foxx? Do you convince yourself that his role was a leading role instead? After doing so, do you wonder how you reduced Mr. Hounsou's role to a supporting role so you could squeeze him in somewhere? Ah, it's much easier to be a critic, I guess.
Mark Wahlberg in The Departed (film review)
comment: There is no arguing Mr. Wahlberg was a sentimental favorite for this performance. He's amazing and the second most fun actor to watch after Leonardo DiCaprio in this pretty, highly, over-rated film. This was a good choice to appease viewers, but an perplexing one considering who's been left out of the nominations, Matt Damon--hello? Honestly, though, Mr. Wahlberg was one of the most charming, underdog good guy actors of the year with this role and his starring role in Invincible which, personally, I also loved.
Who's missing?
- Michael Sheen from The Queen--half the people who see this film think Tony Blair's playing himself. Michael Sheen is so brilliant in this role that when he pops up in Blood Diamond playing the shady diamond company executive you have to keep asking, "Why is Tony Blair in this movie trying to steal diamonds?". Simple a ghastly oversight on all accounts.
- Paul Dano from The King or Little Miss Sunshine--either performance was technicallyquite worthy of a nomination, though his Little Miss Sunshine character was, perhaps, more complicated to play and the film received greater national attention and circulation.
- Steve Carell from Little Miss Sunshine--I'll say it again, better than Mr. Arkin.
- Michael Caine from Children of Men or The Prestige--I guess he's been nominated and won too many times? But, again, with two amazing roles this year: Jasper in Children of Men and Cutter in The Prestige, he might have been more worthy than Eddie Murphy one might think?
- Terrence Howard from Idlewild--nothing need be said, Idlewild got totally snubbed.
- David Bowie from The Prestige--some predicted a certain nomination for Mr. Bowie in this ingenious performance of Nikol Tesla. Curious slight of hand seems to have been at work.
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