The movie actor degrees of separation puzzle.
Can you connect two actors with 1 clue in 6 steps?
General Directions:
Each puzzle presents a chain of six or fewer steps leading from one actor to another as they are connected by co-actors in movies. The solution lies in figuring out the missing links in the chain. Unless there are fewer than 6 steps, you will be given 1 of 6 links in the chain to help you.
For more thorough directions and an example puzzle click here.
Super Puzzle: Cast of "M*A*S*H" - This super puzzle is designed to be completed in 19 steps. You will be given some good clues along the way. The trick to this super puzzle is that you will interconnect the actors who brought to life all of the major characters of the hit television show version of the feature film M*A*S*H. To get this one to work some less well known films and actors will have to be used. That's part of the challenge and the fun of a super 1o6° puzzle like this designed to honor one of television's greatest shows.
This is 106°.

(Alex Rocco)

Jamie Farr
Corporal Maxwell Q. Klingler

(Walter Brooke)

Mike Farrell
Captain B. J. Hunnicut


David Ogden Stiers
Major Charles Emerson Winchester III

(Buck Kartalian)

Larry Linville
Major Franklin Marion "Frank" Burns


Harry Morgan
Colonel Sherman T. Potter

(James B. Douglas)

Gary Burghoff
Corporal Walter Eugene "Radar" O'Reilly

(Danny Goldman)

McLean Stevenson
Lieutenant Colonel Henry Braymore Blake

(Greg Mullavy)

William Christopher
Captain Father Francis John Patrick Mulcahy


Alan Alda
Captain Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce

(Alec Baldwin)

Wayne Rogers
Captain John Francis Xavier "Trapper" McIntyre

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