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21 (2008) [PG-13]-- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $11.50
Review-lite: Very loosely based on the Ben Mezrich book, the film version of Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions re-entitled 21 concerns a boy-genius Ben Campbell (Jim Sturgess) who intends on graduating from Harvard Medical School. The $300K price tag is the only thing standing in his way, until devious professor Micky Rosa (Kevin Spacey) lures him to his 'dark side' involving a card-counting team of wunderkind math geniuses and the prospect of earning four years of tuition in a single weekend. Dividing roughly into three acts, the film sags in the middle though Sturgess's and Spacey's performances throughout redeem it somewhat and the ending delivers with a plausibly twisty sucker punch to the 'villain' permitting 'our hero' to prevail and sealing the package with a happy ending to a dark journey down his path of self-discovery. (click for full details and complete review)
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21 [Blu-ray](2008)
21 [DVD](2008)
21 (Special Edition) [DVD](2008)
21 (UMD For PlayStation Portable)(2008)

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