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Spoiler Points for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) [PG-13] 124 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $13.50
DVD Release Date: 14 October 2008 (click date to purchase or pre-order)
Film's Official Website • Film's Trailer
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movie posters from all Indiana Jones Films
Spoiler Points for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
• Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and his colleague George McHale (Ray Winstone) are kidnapped and taken to a secret warehouse in Area 51 by Russian agents and soldiers operating in the USA to find relics and antiquities that might be of paranormal significance. They are led by the ruthless, Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett). Indiana Jones helps them find a cargo container in a warehouse filled to the brim with thousands and thousands of crates holding all of the nation's biggest secrets. The container holds the remains of an alien who crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. George turns on Indiana proving his duplicity.
• The incident implicates Indiana Jones in the eyes of the FBI, and the university puts him on a leave of absence. As he's preparing to leave, a kid on a motorcycle named Mutt (Shia LaBeouf) appears out of thin air and tells him a tale of a man named "Professor Oxley" whom his mother knows and who used to be revered by Indiana Jones. Professor Oxley has been going on and on about a crystal skull. Mutt and Indiana head to South America.
• In no time, they follow the trail left by Ox and the clues from his cell in the mental hospital. They find the skull, find Ox and Mutt's mom who turns out to be former Indiana Jones flame Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), and the evil Irina Spalko again. They try to escape but end up in a sand pit sinking. In this moment of weakness, Marion spills the beans to Indiana that Mutt is his son (as if we couldn't have figured this out). Mutt goes to get something to pull them out, but Ox still under some sort of mind control form the crystal skull, leads Spalko's people right to them. The convoy departs to find the lost city where both Henry and Ox believe they will find enormous treasure.
• Along the way, Indiana Jones, Marion, Mutt, Ox, and George escape. A raucous adventure swinging on vines, going over waterfalls, and watching their enemies get devoured by giant ants, leads them to the lost city.
• They enter the city with George tagging along and leaving guiding transmitters for Irina to find them.
• After cleverly entering the final temple of the Crystal Kingdom, they put the head bac on the 13th crystal skeleton, and then all hocus pocus breaks out. The net result is a giant alien flying saucer lifts up out of the mountain to take the crystal beings home.
• Marion and Indian Jones marry in the final scene with Mutt at their side.
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