106 Degrees - Surf 'N Penguins (solution)

movieEVERYday.com presents...

The movie actor degrees of separation puzzle.

Can you connect two actors with 1 clue in 6 steps?

General Directions
Each puzzle presents a chain of six or fewer steps leading from one actor to another as they are connected by co-actors in movies. The solution lies in figuring out the missing links in the chain. Unless there are fewer than 6 steps, you will be given 1 of 6 links in the chain to help you.
For more thorough directions and an example puzzle click here.

Super Puzzle: Surf 'N Penguins - This super puzzle is designed to be completed in 24 steps. You will be given some good clues along the way. The trick to this super puzzle is that you will interconnect between some of the great Penguin characters and great surfers / surfer movies Hollywood has made. To get this one to work some less well known films and actors will have to be used. That's part of the challenge and the fun of a super 1o6° puzzle like this designed to be a great send off to summer!

This is 106°.

Morgan Freeman
narrator for March of the Penguins

(Jim Burk)

Bobby Vinton
Len Marshal in Surf Party

Kenny Miller
Milo Talbot in Surf Party

Jody Wallis in Ride the Wild Surf

Tab Hunter
Steaner Lane in Ride the Wild Surf

(Ed Begley, Jr.)

Danny DeVito
The Penguin in Batman Returns

(Michael Keaton)

George Clooney
Reman in Red Surf

Doug Savant
Attila in Red Surf

(Denney Pierce)

Hugh Jackman
voice of Memphis in Happy Feet

Robin Willliams
voices of Ramon and Lovelace in Happy Feet

(Malcolm Scott)

Rob Schneider
Iggy in Surf Ninjas

Nicholas Cowan
Adam in Surf Ninjas

(David Correia)

Jason Biggs
voice of Insecure Penguin in Farce of the Penguins

Dane Cook
voice of Online Penguin in Farce of the Penguins

(Chi McBride)

Shia LeBeouf
voice of Cody Maverick in Surf's Up

Kelly Slater
voice of Kelly in Surf's Up

Robert August
himself in Step into Liquid
himeself in The Endless Summer

Bruce Brown
narrator for The Endless Summer

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