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12 June 2007 | [Next Week]
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Blood and Chocolate (2007) [PG-13] -- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $8.75
Review-lite: Taking a more noble approach to the subject of werewolves, Blood and Chocolate extends the mythology with the story of a Romanian clan of loup-garou, literally wolves that shape shift into human form at will, and their struggle to stay alive and live amongst human beings. Unfortunately, the noble aspect is just about the only interesting angle and the sole fresh aspect—these people turn into average, garden variety wolves not terrifying beasts—to an, otherwise, recycled love story we've seen over and over again. Decent, lyric dance-like special effects during the wolf transformations are about the only other thing the film has going for it. Mediocre dialogue, acting, and plotting unfortunately made for a restlessness-inducing combination. Entirely predictable, the film never really gets out of first gear. The result is a tame version of the stories we've seen too many times before. (click for full review)
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Blood And Chocolate [Blu-ray](2007)
Blood And Chocolate [DVD](2007)
Blood And Chocolate (UMD For PlayStation Portable)(2007)
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Breach (2006) [PG-13] -- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $13.00
Review-lite: In mid-February 2001, after years of searching, the FBI finally caught and arrested its most notorious and reputedly dangerous double agent of all time, Robert Hanssen originally of Chicago, IL, and recruited into the FBI after a stint with the Chicago PD Internal Corruption division. The two months that preceded his capture, enabled by a young agent named Eric O'Neill, planted into his tutelage to keep an eye on him and help find the evidence that would eventually lead to his capture, form the 'based on a true story' timeline for the film, Breach, starring Chris Cooper as the Soviet/Russian intelligence expert and Ryan Phillippe as O'Neill. Director Billy Ray's technique in pacing the film worked rather well creating a tense spy thriller under the cloak of an pre-known ending. Cooper was absolutely perfect as Hanssen. Phillippe, still struggles to shed his "Cruel Intentions" teen heart throb image. (click for full review)
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Breach [DVD](2007)
Breach (Widescreen Version) [DVD](2007)
The Bridge (2006) [R] -- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $13.50
Review-lite: Inspired by an article revealing the Golden Gate Bridge as the most popular place for people to commit suicide, film producer Eric Steel was moved to make a film that would help him understand this and, more importantly, permit candid discussion of the long-taboo subject throughout many cultures worldwide. After the editing was complete, the resulting film revealed a haunting, mesmerizing, window into the allure of the bridge as the public site for a very private deed. The great strength of the film is that it does neither judges the jumpers nor their families. It is a visual documentary that just lenses the events and leaves judgment, if it is even called for, up to the audience. Steel has filmed one of the most chilling looks into the very real and very sad aspects of our species ever made. It not only raises awareness of suicide as a nationally significant issue but opens up the debate as to how we deal with the mentally ill as well. (click for full details and complete review)
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The Bridge [DVD](2006)
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Ghost Rider (2007) [PG-13] -- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $12.25
Review-lite: Writer / Director Mark Steven Johnson, the guy behind Daredevil is back behind the camera and story for Ghost Rider. Starring Nicholas Cage, Peter Fonda, and Eva Mendes, the mythology of the story concerns a champion motorcycle stunt rider named Johnny Blaze who unwittingly sells his soul to the devil in exchange for curing his father of cancer. Years later, when Dark Heart rises up to take over the world, the devil calls in his marker on Johnny's soul turning him into the Ghost Rider to destroy his son and save the world. With flaming skull, Ghost Rider works to fulfill the obligation ultimately in exchange for his soul back. Cage did a surprisingly good job playing this unusual character. Certainly no Spider-man, still, Ghost Rider has its merits. With its deep mythology, engaging cast, and mostly new ideas, it's certainly a nice diversion from the rest of the February fare. (click for full details and complete review)
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Ghost Rider (Extended Cut) [Blu-ray](2007)
Ghost Rider [DVD](2007)
Ghost Rider (Widescreen Version) [DVD](2007)
Ghost Rider (2-Disc Extended Cut) [DVD](2007)
Ghost Rider (UMD For PlayStation Portable)(2007)
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Primeval (2007) [R] -- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $3.50
Review-lite: Director Michael Katleman makes a shaky feature film outing at the helm of Primeval, a film that wouldn't seem out of place on the Sci-Fi Channel's hokey creature feature night. Relying on a literal bait and switch advertising campaign "Inspired by the true story of the most prolific serial killer in history" which turns out to be a giant crocodile named Gustave who craves humans, should let you know you're in trouble. After eating a V.I.P., animal trapper Matthew Collins (Gideon Emery) is hired to catch the beast alive and shoot a documentary of the effort. The nosey cameraman, however, puts their lives at risk when he films the assassination of a local shaman by militia forces on a routine journey for stock footage. Ultimately, there's no one to care about, and the film spirals out of control turning into a race against death by evil for all involved. (click for full details and complete review)
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Primeval [Blu-ray](2007)
Sasquatch Hunters [DVD](2005)
Primeval [DVD](2007)
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Norbit (2007) [PG-13] -- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $5.50
Review-lite: To begin, there is only one thing to like about Eddie Murphy's new film, Norbit, directed by Brian Robbins from a screenplay by Jay Scherick and David Ronn from the Eddie Murphy and Charles Murphy story, to like and that is Thandie Newton. Her charming and delightfully whimsical performance as Kate was fresh and delightful. Beyond that, the film is ill-conceived, poorly executed, and painfully irresponsible. The 'joke' or 'gag' upon which the film is based, is Eddie Murphy playing his own wife, Rasputia, in a fat suit. In excess of 70% of the 'jokes' in the film are related to her incredible size and weight. While Eddie Murphy's ability to play different characters worked well, the plot, characters, and purpose failed to live up to expectations. This is a gimmick film without a soul. It's a shame that such a talented cast would involve themselves in this picture. (click for full details and complete review)
Purchase from our Premier Partner
Norbit [Blu-ray](2007)
Norbit [DVD](2007)
Norbit (Widescreen Version) [DVD](2007)

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