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Away from Her (2007) [PG-13] -- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $13.25
Review-lite: Canadian actress, director, writer Sarah Polley has assembled a lovely, dignified tribute to the life of a couple who share the wife's gradual slip into the tight grip of Alzheimer's. The story, told with flashbacks, is of Fiona (Julie Christie) and Grant (Gordon Pinsent). He, a former professor and she his devoted wife, have lived, safely retired, for 20 years, in an idyllic cottage. Their days pass glowingly as they ski, read, and basically enjoy each other's company, until the telltale signs of her illness set in. Julie Christie's portrayal is as lovely, wonderful, and spirited as any role she's ever had. Gordon Pinset, the acclaimed Canadian actor, creates Grant's role part from devotion, anger, frustration, and intrigue. There can be nothing more agonizing than watching a beloved one slip down a dark well slowly. The film may assist those going through equivalent situations make more sense of it all. (click for full details and complete review)
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Away From Her [DVD](2006)
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Snow Cake (2007) [NR]
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Snow Cake [DVD](2006)
Ex-convict Alex (Alan Rickman) picks up a young woman who is hitchhiking, only to then survive a devastating auto accident that kills his passenger. Reaching out to the victim's mother (Sigourney Weaver)--who is a high-functioning autistic--Alex undergoes a heart-wrenching emotional transformation. Poignant drama also stars Carrie-Anne Moss, Emily Hampshire. 112 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
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Triad Election (2007) [NR]
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Triad Election (Hak Se Wui Yi Wo Wai Kwai) [DVD](2006)
Jimmy (Louis Koo) decides he'd rather go straight than follow mob boss Lok (Simon Yam) as the head of a notorious Triad gang. With the most qualified candidate out of the race, Lok attempts to hold onto power by pitting his would-be successors against one another, but the government has a plan to blackmail Jimmy and make him return to the brutal campaign. Hong Kong crime thriller co-stars Nick Cheung, Ka Tung Lam. 92 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: Mandarin and Cantonese; Subtitles: English, Spanish. In Mandarin and Cantonese with English subtitles.

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