Capsule No. 96

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Most Recent Movie Reviews:
(complete lists of movie reviews for 2005, 2006, 2007)

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Movie Review of The Golden Compass (2007) [PG-13] 113 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $13.00
Amidst a storm of controversy stirred up by those who view award-winning author Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, the first book of which was called The Northern Lights and changed to The Golden Compass to be decidedly anti-Christian, the film should open to typical epic numbers in December fueled inadvertently by the controversy and by the traditional success of such during the family Holiday film season. Despite the controversy, and there have been many defensive statements released suggesting the religious overtones from the book have been toned down in the film, the story resembles, not surprisingly, so many other timeless epic stories with children as the heroes, only this time with a young girl in charge. Her name is Lyra Belacqua, and she's portrayed forcibly and convincingly by young Dakota Blue Richards. One can see shades of a dynamic and potent actress in the young girl as her character carries the fate of her world on her shoulders, so does the actress carry the weight of the picture. Both take some warming up to. She's a tad prickly at first, but as the story progresses, the character matures and the girl settles into the role. …continued…or read the spoiler points

Movie Review of Awake (2007) [R] 78 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $13.00
Apparently nobody wanted to compete with Joby Harold's debut dramatic film Awake starring Jessica Alba and Hayden Christensen giving it a rare opportunity to open a weekend virtually alone in the category of major motion pictures opening on the weekend of 30 November 2007 uncontested. Such treatment is generally reserved for blockbuster films like Transformers in the summertime; and, yet, here this compact, 78-minute film stands alone the weekend after Thanksgiving in the USA. Well, there's no accounting for the scheduling prognosticators who tinker away at the film release calendar to the point of driving any of us trying to post up a reasonably accurate listing nearly bonkers, and so it is that Awake is out there for everyone to see. …continued…or read the spoiler points

Movie Review of Lust, Caution (2007) [NC-17] 157 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $14.25
After a romp in the mountains of Wyoming, Chinese director Ang Lee return to the central kingdom of him homeland to take up a story by Eileen Chang which focuses on the a pivotal time in modern Chinese history—the Japanese occupation of Shanghai. Just before the climax of World War II, the Japanese were moving strong in taking over much of eastern China. They maintained order from a distance via an occupational government plum full of Chinese collaborators. The intended assassination of one such top collaborator by a resistance faction of university students in Hong Kong becomes the central narrative river for this moving and elaborate yet tumultuous tale of a young woman coming of age and sacrificing very essence of self for the patriotic endeavor. Wang Chia Chi (Wei Tang) places a seemingly clandestine phone call from a western coffee shop in Shanghai to her second brother. As she returns to her seat and dabs perfume on the nape of her neck and bottoms of her wrists, she travels back through the memories that brought her to this time and place.…continued…or read the spoiler points

Movie Review of The Mist (2007) [R] 127 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $11.75
Writer / Director Frank Darabont can lay claim to hardly arguably two of the best adaptations of Stephen King stories to film ever: The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. Would he be able to do it a third time? Not even close. These other two stories / films are head and shoulders above The Mist. This is partly because, with all due respect, The Mist is a creature feature horror film while the others were intense dramas. So, genre to genre, they are not in the same league. It is interesting to contemplate a different Mist than the one here, though, one without creatures and one where the psychological drama of the trapped patrons of a grocery store never know what's causing the mist nor the deaths and disappearances of those who leave it, for actually, it is what happens to the gang and their mentality that turns out to be the most interesting part of the story. Moreover, the ending to The Mist as written by Mr. Darabont sets the film apart in a gruesome way. It might be preferable to judge the film separate from the ending, which, quite candidly is nearly without any redeeming value. It is both desperate and mean-spirited—evil in itself. Setting the ending aside, what's left is a potent statement on human nature and human stupidity where a lack of faith in each other or a lack of fundamental education turns a group of mostly solid citizens into crazed maniacs and murderers.…continued…or read the spoiler points

Movie Review of Enchanted (2007) [PG] 107 minutes
WIP™ Scale: $12.25
For fans of Disney® family entertainment, there could be no more anticipated fall film than Disney's Enchanted. Sticking true to it's time-tested formula, the story involves a lovely princess who crosses paths with a wicked queen out to prevent her from marrying a handsome prince, only with a 'huge' twist: this time the Queen Narissa doesn't just put the princess to sleep, she sends her on the day she's to wed Prince Edward to an alternate universe…ours! And not just any part of our 3-D world, but smack dab into the drainage sewer under the middle of Times Square. Somehow, the formerly animated, 2-D princess-to-be, Giselle (Amy Adams) lifts off the manhole covers and climbs up right into rush hour traffic.…continued…or read the spoiler points

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Other Recent Reviews:
August Rush (2007) [PG] 104 minutes WIP™ Scale: $12.50
This Christmas (2007) [PG-13] 117 minutes WIP™ Scale: $9.00
Hitman (2007) [R] 100 minutes WIP™ Scale: $14.00
Crazy Eights (2007) [R] 80 minutes WIP™ Scale: $9.50
Nightmare Man (2007) [R] 94 minutes WIP™ Scale: $4.25
Love in the time of Cholera (2007) [R] 138 minutes WIP™ Scale: $14.25
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007) [G] 93 minutes WIP™ Scale: $11.00
Beowulf (2007) [PG-13] 113 minutes WIP™ Scale: $13.25
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) [R] 117 minutes WIP™ Scale: $12.75
The Deaths of Ian Stone (2007) [R] 88 minutes WIP™ Scale: $11.75
Juno (2007) [PG-13] 96 minutes WIP™ Scale: $12.75
Lions for Lambs (2007) [R] 88 minutes WIP™ Scale: $14.50
P2 (2007) [R] 98 minutes WIP™ Scale: $7.25
Fred Claus (2007) [PG] 116 minutes WIP™ Scale: $9.00
Martian Child (2007) [PG] 108 minutes WIP™ Scale: $13.25
Bee Movie (2007) [PG] 90 minutes WIP™ Scale: $11.75
American Gangster (2007) [R] 157 minutesWIP™ Scale: $13.50
Lars and the Real Girl (2007) [PG-13] 106 minutes WIP™ Scale: $14.75
Sleuth (2007) [R] 86 minutes WIP™ Scale: $14.25
30 Days of Night (2007) [R] 113 minutes WIP™ Scale: $10.00
Dan in Real Life (2007) [PG-13] 95 minutes WIP™ Scale: $10.50
Saw IV (2007) [R] 95 minutes WIP™ Scale: $8.75
Reservation Road (2007) [R] 102 minutes WIP™ Scale: $12.50

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Film Premiere and Award Galas Star Photo Pages
complete archival list
Listed in Order of Publication in the mEd database
20th Annual European Film AwardsGrace is GoneHigh School Musical 2 Promo TourLove Sees No Color10th Annual British Independent Film Awards9th Annual Family Television AwardsThe Golden Compass17th Annual Gotham AwardsThis ChristmasThe Mist (2007)High School Musical 261st Annual Mother Goose ParadeDiversity Awards, The (2007)EnchantedMr. Magorium's Wonder EmporiumThe Diving Bell and the ButterflyAwakeI'm not ThereAugust RushLove in the Time of CholeraFred ClausBeowulfThe SavagesPersepolisElizabeth: The Golden AgeNo Country for Old MenBAFTA/LA Cunard Britannia Awards (2007)[complete archive of past events and premiers]

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Brand New Movie Posters Just In:
[Archive List | TV Posters from 2006 / 2007]

New as of 28-Nov-07
Cloverfield • Hell Boy 2 • Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins • Whiteout

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Recent Movie Star Birthday Tributes:
(see all birthdays: last monththis monthnext monthall months)

Lucy LiuBette MidlerElisha Cuthbert
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Lucy Liu
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Elisha Cuthbert
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Woody Allen
Gael García Bernal
Ben Stiller
Don CheadleEd HarrisMichael Vartan
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Don Cheadle
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Ed Harris
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Andrew McCarthy
Ryan Kwanten
Judd Nelson
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
William Fichtner
Peter FacinelliRelated DVDsRelated DVDs

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Garcelle Beauvais
Trevor Morgan
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Netflix, Inc.

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Movies Now on DVD and Download:
(see the rest of this week's top releases)

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Movie Review of Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007) [G] -- W.I.P. Scale™ Rating: $12.00
Review-lite: Not to be confused with Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure, though a bicycle plays a prominent role in this film too, Mr. Bean's Holiday is whimsical and serendipitously funny tracing Bean's vacation (Rowan Atkinson) from London to Cannes with plenty of mishaps along the way. The biggest delight comes from young Max Baldry who plays Stepan, a young boy who gets stranded with Bean when he inadvertently prevents his father from boarding as the train departs the station. Baldry, fluent in Russian and English, is the son of a Russian filmmaker heading to Cannes for the film festival where it just happens that Carson Clay (cameo by Willem Dafoe) will also be debuting his new film in which both Stepan and Bean will have unexpected starring roles. The only disappointments were some slow spots and that too many of the most humorous parts were revealed in the trailer. (click for full details and complete review)(click to purchase Mr. Bean's Holiday)

Also This Week:
Hot RodWho's Your CaddySkinwalkersUnknownBratz: The MovieThe NamesakeI Know Who Killed Me

Recently Announced for Pre-Order:
Bourne Ultimatum, The

Previously Announced Available for Pre-Order:
3:10 to YumaArctic TaleBalls of FuryBourne Ultimatum, TheBratzBrothers Solomon, TheDecember BoysEastern PromisesHalloween (2007)Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixHatchetIllegal TenderLast Legion, TheNanny Diaries, TheOncePirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndResident Evil: ExtinctionRush Hour 3Shoot 'Em UpSimpsons Movie, TheStardustSuperbadUnderdogWar

Download a surprise rental movie for 99c or less (M-Th)!

New films same day as DVD-$14.99

(DVD releases by week back to 12 June 2007)

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Movies Coming Soon:
(complete calendar including links to official sites, trailers, and reviews updated through December 2008*)

Friday, 30 November

in limited release only: The Savages, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Friday, 7 December

Atonement • The Golden Compass
in limited release only: Grace is Gone, The Amateurs

*note: Studios constantly change release dates for films. Please be advised that the information on the coming soon page is updated often, but may not be exact.

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Top 10 Hottest-Selling Movie Posters:
(source: our friends at MovieGoods®—one of the biggest movie poster supply companies)
(click any poster to purchase)
American GangsterRamboThe Golden CompassBee Movie
Across the UniverseEnchantedBeowolfHarold and Kumar 2
Alien Vs. Predator 2I Am Legend
(accurate as of 2-Dec-2007)

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Movie Poster Extravaganzas:
(complete listing of all the movie poster extravaganzas that have been posted at plus a calendar of ones coming soon)

Saw fans can rejoice in celebrating the film franchise status for their beloved horror films about malevolent traps being sprung on people with a devious purpose. Here, as is tradition, the franchise is honored with its own movie poster extravaganza.

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On 5 November 2007 1:59 pm MT 23 people were visiting at the same time!

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